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Elevate Your Style with Bling Healed

Handmade Swarovski Crystal Fashion Eyewear for Effortless Elegance

Mission Statement

At Bling Healed, our vision is to enchant the world of fashion with our mesmerizing Swarovski crystal eyewear, handcrafted to radiate elegance and charm. We aspire to be the sparkle in every woman's eye, igniting confidence and allure with each dazzling piece, empowering them to embrace their inner goddess and shine effortlessly.

Elevate your style with Bling Healed's handmade Swarovski crystal fashion eyewear. Each piece is meticulously crafted to blend luxury and flair, offering you unparalleled elegance and sophistication. Explore our collection and adorn yourself with the brilliance of Swarovski crystals, defining fashion and fostering individuality with every wear

Image Gallery

There may be no better way to communicate what we do than through images. As you browse our site, take a few moments to let your eyes linger here, and see if you can get a feel for our signature touch.

About Us

I am a minority female veteran business owner

My business is called BlingHealed because as a mother of seven there are alot of days I wasn’t feeling my best, I didn’t always feel beautiful or pulled together. I dedicated my life to my spouse, my children, my church, my friends and often times I wanted to be glamorous when I couldn’t. I realized when I started the company 4 years ago right before Valentine’s day that I could cover up how i was feeling and how I was looking. These frames were a special was for me to express myself.. it became my statement, my story, my staple my style and my standard when I stepped out of the house.. it was a conversation starter and was infectious to others. Thats why my company means so much to me!

I am a elegant but urban baddie from Baltimore. I was in the Marines for just under 15 years.. I am used to hard work.. I want this next phase of my life to not be overlooked at all.. i want my strength and my beauty to resonate and be represented through my brand..

Our Clients Say

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"Testimonials provide a sense of what it's like to work with you, or what it's like to use your products and services."

Robert Rose, Product Designer

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